Onninen customer service

Customer service can help you with questions regarding the webshop, returns, complaints, deviations or other issues you may have.

Contact us

Adresse og telefon

Onninen AS
Postboks 117
2021 Skedsmokorset

Besøksadresse lager og hovedkontor:
Høgslundveien 49
2020 Skedsmokorset

Hovedkontor: hverdager 8–16

Hovedlager varemottak: hverdager 07–15
Hovedlager åpningstider for kunder:
mand-torsdag 06–22, fredag 06–21.

22 39 60 00 hverdager 07–16.

22 39 60 00 hele døgnet – tastevalg 9.
Oppstår det en kritisk situasjon etter klokken 16, bistår vi deg gjerne på vår vakttelefon.


Ordre/varebestilling: ordre@onninen.com

Spørsmål om e-handel (nettbutikk og EDI): kundesupport@onninen.com

Spørsmål om kreditt: kreditt@onninen.com

Onninenskolen: onninenskolen@onninen.com

Andre henvendelser: onninenpost@onninen.com

Tilbudsforespørsel og informasjon om produkter og pris:

Nord: regionnord@onninen.com
Midt: regionmidt@onninen.com
Østlandet: regionost@onninen.com
Sør: regionsor@onninen.com
Vest: regionvest@onninen.com

Industri: Industri@onninen.com

Samferdsel: Samferdsel@onninen.com

Maritime: sh-trading@onninen.com

Felles/Øst: everk@onninen.com
Vest: everk-vest@onninen.com
Midt/nord: everk-trondheim@onninen.com
Tilbud: everkstilbud@onninen.com

Fiber: fiber@onninen.com

Sol og energilagring: sol@onninen.com

Useful shortcuts:

Fill in this form if you have received wrong item or wrong amount of item. You need to fill in the following information:

  • Customer number
  • Order number
  • Description of the issue
  • Product number, product name and amount

Please contact us about the deviation within 7 days from the day you received the item.

If you are going to report transportational damage, you have to enclose a copy of the transportation paper marked "damage/suspected damage of goods". The paper must be signed by both the delivery person and the receiver.

Fill in your deviation here

If you have received one or more items that doesn't work correctly, you need to fill in a complaint.

The following information needs to be presented:

  • Customer number
  • Original order number
  • How to you want your complaint to be handeled: credited for the item, a replacement item or rapair of the item?

Fill in your complaint here

To be able to return a product the product must be bought at Onninen and be in its original box. The item must be undamaged. You have within 12 months to make the return.

We need you to fill in the following information:

  • customer number
  • Original order number or invoice number
  • Product number and quantity

After you have submitted the form, we will create a return order and send you a verification. You are responsible for packing the item correctly for transportation and in fewest boxes possible. Remember to add the return confirmation you receive from us.

Your return will be picked up by our transportational service and you will get a signature on your transport papers. When your return arrives at our storage facility we will check the item(s) accoring to our sales and deliver conditions. If they are not salable for some reason, we will be contacting you. A credit note where cost for freight and return are substracted, will be sent to you afterwards.

The return process is regulated by Onninen's terms of sales and delivery. Items that are return to Onninen without an agreement upfront, will be sent back to you together with the cost of our return.

For more detailed information regarding return of in and out of stock goods, providable items and project items, please read the terms and conditons for sales and delivery, sections 16.

Fill in your return here

Drum return

Now you can finally register the return of cable drums digitally on kabeltrommel.no (external website). The website is now more simple and clear to use.

[Register your drum return her] (https://www.kabeltrommel.no/Actors/ReturnCustomer/SelfRegistrationCreate "Register your drum return here")


  • Easy scanning of drums to be returned
  • Overview of drum prices
  • Predictable final settlement
  • Reuse of drums is good for the environment

Here you can read more about how to proceed

Here you will find contact information for your region:

Bilde - Installasjon
Bilde - Industri E-verk
Bilde - Installasjon
Bilde - Industri E-verk
Bilde - Installasjon
Bilde - Industri E-verk
Bilde - Installasjon
Bilde - Industri E-verk
Bilde - Installasjon
Bilde - Industri E-verk