
We offer tailored services to help make your every day easier and more efficient. These are some of our services. (Please call us at +47 22 39 60 00 if you need them in English.)

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Plukk & Pakk

Har du glemt å bestille noe? Med Plukk & Pakk får du brukt tiden din på å jobbe, ikke kjøre frem og tilbake.

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Klikk & Hent

Bestill på nett – hent innen 2 timer! Å handle hos Onninen har blitt enda enklere.

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Få varene levert til steder utenfor normal vei med GPS-koordinat. Vi sørger for utkjøring nøyaktig dit du ønsker.

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Digitalize with Onninen

If you are in need of digital shoping through the web shop, punch-out or EDI, we are here to help you get started. We also offer the digital shopping experience through OnniApp in all of our Express stores.

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Onninen kundeservice

Customer service is there for you to help you with orders, complaints, returns, web shop or other questions you might need the answers to.