Did you know that heat pumps/ACs are efficient against dust and pollen in the air?

Over 20 % of Norwegian citicens get symptoms of irritated airways during pollen season. Many of theese people also feel irritation when breathing the dust in the dry winter air. A heat pump may be the perfect solution for them.

What is a good environment?

A good indoor environment consists of a stabil temperature between 20 and 22 degrees celsius. Research shows that it's the most optimal temperatur for our brain to function best.

20 - 50 % humidity

If the air is too dry it will carry more dust particles – that can irritate both nose and throat. Some people reacts allergical to dust due to the protein from dust bugs. A heat pump can filter the air and provide less floating dust, which will enhance life quality for those who are affected.

VarmepumpeFuroMitsubishi gulvstående03

Pollen season

Every year the season for pollination starts earlier than people think. In Norway the seanson starts as early as February/March some places. First out are trees such as hazel and alder, then comes willows and birch.

In June the flowering of several species of gras stars, and many suffers from this allergy. The most common known is timothy, but that is just one of the many types.

Last but not lest we have the flowering of the common wormwood – a quite anonymous wildflower that grows alongside roads and trenches.

Mitsubishi Uwano and Iguru

Become an Onninen customer and buy heat pumps for a nice price

Foto: Fujitsu Varmepumper, Mitsubishi Electric, Toshiba Varmepumper
Kilder: miba.no, naaf.no, anticimex.com, abkqviller.no, fjklima.no