JF.AUT DS202C M BK25 A30 2CSR272140R1252
Product number
DS202C M, 10kA, 2P, Type A, Bk-karakteristikk, 25A, 30mA, For boliginstallasjon, ref NEK400, 2010
DS202C M Bk karakteristikkFunksjon: Beskyttelse mot overlast og kortslutning i tillegg til beskyttelse ved sinusformet jordfeilstrøm og pulserende DC jordfeilstrømmer. Beskytter mot indirekte kontakt og mot direkte kontakt. Overvåker og isolerer resistive og induktive laster.I2=1,2*In for å tilfredstille kravene i NEK400, 2010Bruksområde: Bolig.Standard: IEC/EN 61009Icn=10 kA2 pol
Product details
Technical specifications
Number of poles (total)2
Number of protected poles2
Rated voltage230 V
Rated insulation voltage Ui500 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp4 kV
Rated current25 A
Rated fault current0.03 A
Leakage current typeA
Current limiting class3
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity according to EN 6100910 kA
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity according to IEC 60947-210 kA
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn according to EN 61009-110 kA
Disconnection characteristicUndelayed
Surge current capacity0.25 kA
Voltage typeAC
Product codes
Manufacturer part number2CSR272140R1252
Vendor material number2CSR272140R1252
Basic information
Package measurements (L x W x H)69 x 35 x 85 mm
Package volume0.205 l
Package weight0.239 kg
Base uniteach
Package units1 / 5
Usage quantity–